Month of Rajab & Remembrance of Moulana Ali (SA)



The blessed month of Rajab is a month of Remembrance and we have very hallowed traditions, mumina’t each day gathering to do tasbeeh, Darees majlis etc throughout the month and at personal level many read, write and reflect, on the teachings of Maulana Ali (SA)

My nephew Bhai Khoj Badami who heads his software development company in Pune, has a hobby for carpentry, which he joyfully undertakes each Saturday. He has made two swords and this Rajab as a pious act of Remembrance he has tried to make a wooden prototype of Zulfikar.

Khandak & Khaibar ma a’smaan thi Nida buland thai

We know Moulana Ali’s Zulfikar vanquished many great warriors like Amr bin Abd ‘wad and Marhab and his valiance of wielding Zulfikar in battles resulted in victories that destroyed ‘kufr’ and established  Islam.

I was blessed to reflect and I am sharing the same in the form of a poem.

In Ali’s gaze, wisdom’s flame,
Moulana’s heart, justice his aim.
Zulfikar’s gleam, a beacon bright,
Guiding through falsehood’s darkest night.

A lion on the battlefield, fearless stride,
For truth and justice, he did confide.
In the tapestry of time, a noble thread,
Moulana Ali’s legacy, widely spread.

With eloquence profound, his words did flow,
Guiding hearts to righteousness, a sacred glow.
Through sermons and actions, his teachings vast,
Moulana Ali’s wisdom, an enduring cast.

Defender of the oppressed, voice for the weak,

Zulfikar’s echo, the tyrant did dread,
In its whisper, justice’s words were spread.
A champion for justice, in every decree,
Moulana Ali’s life, a testament to free.

Through trials and tribulations, unwavering stand,
Moulana Ali upheld justice across the land.
Zulfikar’s blade, truth it would unveil,
In the heart of battles, justice set sail.

In the annals of history, a radiant page,
Moulana Ali’s life, a virtuous stage.
With Zulfikar’s might, falsehood would part,
A legacy engraved, in every righteous heart.

How very true the following lines.

Through sermons and actions, his teachings vast,
Moulana Ali’s wisdom, an enduring cast.

His great Sermons Nahjul Balagha and his Sayings like the swish and swipe of Zulfikar, no less ripped the veil of falsehood and ‘kufr’ and brought out the jewels of Haq and Truth – the bounties of great worth for the emancipation of humankind till the day of kiyama’t. Let us for ever be in humble remembrance of Moula Ali ( SA) – sahadat of Imam Hussain (SA) and our beloved A’ali Qadr Muffadal Saifuddin Moula (TUS) in whose glowing and radiant personality we see and feel  the power and barakaat of Zulfikar. Alhamdolillah !

Dua ni iltemas.

http://www.hikmaah com

NOTE : During the first ‘daska’ of Rajab I had daily shared posts on Nahjul Balagha, to my small reading and reflective group, on the scientific spirit of the Sermons. If interested please mail me at : and I would be glad to share the posts. Shukran

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